A Ready Writer

A Ready Writer

RBV: John 1:51

This essay, “Jesus, Nathanael, and Jacob’s Ladder,” appeared in CGG Weekly on December 15, 2023. And He said to [Nathanael], “Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.” —John 1:51 A distinctive facet …

Recommendation: “Are You a ‘Yeah, But . . .’ Christian?”

In “Are You a ‘Yeah, But . . .’ Christian,” Tim Challies notes that many professing Christians immediately look for exceptions to the Bible’s clear instructions rather than simply obey them in faith. If we truly trust our Savior, why are we always looking to get out of what He …

Recommendation: “Is It Wrong to Have Sex Before Marriage?”

In “Is It Wrong to Have Sex Before Marriage?” Kevin DeYoung writes a helpful article on fornication, a sin many confessing Christians ignore these days to their detriment. Scripture is consistently against sexual activity outside the marriage covenant, and DeYoung explains why. Christians may still get upset when the culture …

Recommendation: “5 Myths About Gender Identity”

Sam Ferguson’s article, “5 Myths About Gender Identity,” lists a handful of false facts advocated by the transgender-rights cabal now in the ascendency in our culture. To reach the truth, Christians must cut through the often ridiculous claims made in the media about this horrible physically, psychologically, and spiritually destructive …