A Ready Writer

A Ready Writer

Little Choices

This CGG Weekly essay first appeared on October 19, 2012. Before the political left hijacked the term choice, its philosophical meaning was “an individual’s freedom to determine the moral course of his own life.” This is, of course, what theologians and philosophers call “free moral agency” or “free will.” God …

Dating Christ’s Birth

This piece was first published on December 27, 2013, as a CGG Weekly essay. Despite the continuing secularization of our society, people remain fascinated and curious about the historical basis for the life of Jesus Christ. This curiosity becomes apparent especially around the traditional holidays of Christmas and Easter, when Jesus is supposed to …

The Perils of Populism

This first appeared as the “WorldWatch” column in the January-February 2016 Forerunner. Populism, a political philosophy that appeals to and claims to represent the interests and notions of the average person, has enjoyed a long history in the United States. It can be argued that populist fears fueled the American Revolution, …