A Ready Writer

A Ready Writer

Recommendation: “If Satan Wrote a Book on Parenting”

In what has become a short series of articles (the first was on marriage; see here), Tim Challies offers “If Satan Wrote a Book on Parenting,” listing nineteen pieces of “advice” Satan might give parents about raising children in today’s world. With how plugged into this culture we tend to …

Recommendation: “Concealed and Then Revealed”

Mitch Chase presents another helpful article, “Concealed and Then Revealed,” on the necessity of both the Old and New Testaments for Christians. The title reflects a quotation from Augustine, “The New is in the Old concealed; the Old is in the New revealed.” The Story of God’s redemptive plan is …

Recommendation: “What Does It Mean That All of Creation Groans?”

Mitch Case explains Romans 8:22 in his longish article, “What Does It Mean That All of Creation Groans?” Not just people suffer under the heavy load of human sin but nature too. The apostle Paul uses personification to illustrate that all life eagerly anticipates the glorification of God’s elect. The …

Recommendation: “If Satan Took Up Marriage Counseling”

Tim Challies, writing in his post, “If Satan Took Up Marriage Counseling,” provides thirteen pieces of “advice” that the Devil might give were he a marriage counselor. They sound oddly like what this world pushes on the subject. If Satan took up marriage counseling, he would want people to believe …

Recommendation: “He Made Them Male and Female”

In his July 6 article, “He Made Them Male and Female,” Mitch Case argues from the first two chapters of Genesis that God’s design of human bodies as male and female is a fundamental, necessary part of our existence. Today’s “heartbreaking confusion” over gender will have long-term damaging ramifications. When …

Recommendation: “Why Did Ruth Enter Boaz’s Tent in the Middle of the Night? (Ruth 3)”

In “Why Did Ruth Enter Boaz’s Tent in the Middle of the Night? (Ruth 3),” Mary Willson Hannah tackles some of the difficult questions surrounding Ruth’s venture to Boaz’ threshing floor to propose marriage. We can rest assured that, as types of greater, righteous actors, their actions were culturally and …