A Ready Writer

A Ready Writer

Recommendation: “Stop Calling Faithfulness a Sacrifice”

In his recent post, “Stop Calling Faithfulness a Sacrifice,” Stephen Kneale offers a counter-argument to a common attitude toward living the Christian life. Jesus tells His disciples in Luke 17:10 that, having obeyed God’s commands, we are still “unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do.” As …

Recommendation: “Why do our Bibles contain these books and not others?”

In his recent article, “Why do our Bibles contain these books and not others?” Tony Watkins provides an overview of how the Bible’s 66 books came to be included within its covers. We can be confident that these are the books God wanted to be preserved through the ages. The …

Recommendation: “Help! I Want to Get Married, but I Can’t Afford It”

In his article, “Help! I Want to Get Married, but I Can’t Afford It,” Russ Gehrlein gives some practical and biblical advice to young people who desire to marry but feel it is out of reach. Among his best points are to develop a plan and to trust God along …

Recommendation: “King, Servant, and Prophet”

Mitch Case provides another gem in “King, Servant, and Prophet,” unpacking Matthew 17:5 in terms of how the Father identifies His Son during the transfiguration. The Father’s words in Matthew 17:5 were a mouthful! Jesus is the promised king, servant, and prophet. He fulfilled those Old Testament expectations, and the …