. . . in Acts 2, the Holy Spirit has empowered the disciples to speak boldly and prophetically in common ordinary tongues, rather than in Hebrew. It was a time of new revelation, and the foundation of the New Testament was being laid. Under divine inspiration, Peter proclaimed a message that was completely centered on Jesus, showing how his death, burial, and resurrection had actually been written in advance throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. In fact, this is precisely what Jesus said the Holy Spirit would inspire his disciples to do.
Recommendation: “Acts 2 & the Tongues Controversy”
In his August 2, 2023, article, “Acts 2 & the Tongues Controversy,” Shane Rosenthal explores what Luke actually says in reporting on the astounding miracle of language on that first Pentecost in ad 31. What occurred that day does not support what the Pentecostal movement claims.