
RBV: Mark 1:14

This piece was actually my very first CGG Weekly essay, appearing on August 3, 2001, as “The True Gospel (Part One).” “Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God.” —Matthew 1:14 The evangelist Mark begins his recounting of Jesus’ …

RBV: John 8:13

Originally published in the CGG Weekly as “How Can We Trust the Bible?” on November 2, 2018. “The Pharisees therefore said to Him, ‘You bear witness of Yourself; Your witness is not true.’” —John 8:13 One of the buzzwords of this generation is “authentic.” Young people, especially, want to live …

Little Choices

This CGG Weekly essay first appeared on October 19, 2012. Before the political left hijacked the term choice, its philosophical meaning was “an individual’s freedom to determine the moral course of his own life.” This is, of course, what theologians and philosophers call “free moral agency” or “free will.” God …