
Recommendation: “Why do our Bibles contain these books and not others?”

In his recent article, “Why do our Bibles contain these books and not others?” Tony Watkins provides an overview of how the Bible’s 66 books came to be included within its covers. We can be confident that these are the books God wanted to be preserved through the ages. The …

RBV: John 8:13

Originally published in the CGG Weekly as “How Can We Trust the Bible?” on November 2, 2018. “The Pharisees therefore said to Him, ‘You bear witness of Yourself; Your witness is not true.’” —John 8:13 One of the buzzwords of this generation is “authentic.” Young people, especially, want to live …

Would Jesus Approve of Same-Sex Marriage?

In an interview on Tuesday, July 7, 2015, former President Jimmy Carter waded into the current American cultural and political debate on homosexuality. For a devout Baptist and a self-proclaimed “born-again Christian,” the 90-year old Carter made an astounding statement when HuffPost Live host Mark Lamont Hill asked him whether …